The MarketDataStatisticsRequest (DO) is used to request for statistical data. The simple form is to use an identifier (MDStatisticID (2475)) assigned by the market place which would denote a pre-defined statistical report. Alternatively, or also in addition, the request can define a number of parameters for the desired statistical information.
Added in protocol FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191)
Field or Component | Name | Description | Is Required | Added | Is Deprecated |
Block | StandardHeader | MsgType=DO | Y | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |
2452 | MDStatisticReqID | Unique message identifier for the request or the identifier of a previous request when unsubscribing. | Y | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |
263 | SubscriptionRequestType | Used to subscribe / unsubscribe for market data statistics reports or to request a one-time snapshot of the current information. | Y | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |
75 | TradeDate | Used to specify the business date. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
1301 | MarketID | Used to specify a single market. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
1300 | MarketSegmentID | Used to specify a single market segment. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
1396 | MarketSegmentDesc | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |||
1397 | EncodedMktSegmDescLen | Must be set if EncodedMktSegmDesc (1398) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
1398 | EncodedMktSegmDesc | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the MarketSegmentDesc (1396) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding (347) field. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
1465 | SecurityListID | Used to reference an entire group of instruments for which a single set of statistics is to be calculated. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
Block | Instrument | Used to specify an individual instrument or instrument attributes for which a single set of statistics is to be calculated. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
Block | InstrumentExtension | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 201) | |||
Block | FinancingDetails | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 201) | |||
BlockRepeating | UndInstrmtGrp | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |||
BlockRepeating | InstrmtLegGrp | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |||
BlockRepeating | RelatedInstrumentGrp | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 201) | |||
BlockRepeating | MDStatisticReqGrp | Used to specify the parameters for the calculation of statistics. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
60 | TransactTime | Time that the request was submitted. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
58 | Text | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | |||
354 | EncodedTextLen | Must be set if EncodedText (355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
355 | EncodedText | Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text (58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding (347) field. | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) | ||
Block | StandardTrailer | FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 191) |