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Name Name of a financial instrument.
Ticker Ticker is a specific identifier for a financial instrument that reflects common usage.
Exchange Code Bloomberg Exchange Code of an instrument.
Security Type Security type of an instrument.
Market Sector Market sector description of an instrument.
FIGI An identifier that is assigned to instruments of all asset classes and is unique to an individual instrument. Once issued, the FIGI assigned to an instrument will not change.
FIGI Composite The Composite Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI) enables users to link multiple FIGIs at the trading venue level within the same country or market in order to obtain an aggregated view for an instrument within that country or market.
Share Class A Share Class level Financial Instrument Global Identifier is assigned to an instrument that is traded in more than one country. This enables users to link multiple Composite FIGIs for the same instrument in order to obtain an aggregated view for that instrument across all countries (globally).
Security Description A description of an instrument. Can contain additional information that’s not in the Name or Ticker values.
Security Type 2 An alternative security type of an instrument.
Currency Currency associated with an instrument.
Country Country associated with an instrument.

Download up-to-date instrument dataset archives for USA futures:

The archives for USA futures are organized by futures type.
2025-03-17 04:01:21
925.79 KB
2025-03-17 04:01:21
69.43 KB
2025-03-17 04:01:21
971.6 KB
2025-03-17 04:01:21
164.84 KB

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