The Order Mass Action Report is used to acknowledge an Order Mass Action Request. Note that each affected order that is suspended or released or canceled is acknowledged with a separate Execution Report for each order.

Added in protocol FIX.5.0

See in: FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2 EP240.

Field or Component Name Description Is Required Added Is Deprecated
Block StandardHeader MsgType = BZ Y FIX.5.0
11 ClOrdID ClOrdID provided on the Order Mass Action Request. FIX.5.0
526 SecondaryClOrdID FIX.5.0
1369 MassActionReportID Unique Identifier for the Order Mass Action Report Y FIX.5.0
1373 MassActionType Order Mass Action Request Type accepted by the system Y FIX.5.0
1374 MassActionScope Specifies the scope of the action Y FIX.5.0
1375 MassActionResponse Indicates the action taken by the counterparty order handling system as a result of the Action Request
0 – Indicates Order Mass Action Request was rejected.
Y FIX.5.0
1376 MassActionRejectReason Indicates why Order Mass Action Request was rejected
Required if MassActionResponse = 0
533 TotalAffectedOrders Optional field used to indicate the total number of orders affected by the Order Mass Action Request FIX.5.0
ImplicitBlockRepeating AffectedOrdGrp Orders affected by the Order Mass Action Request. FIX.5.0
ImplicitBlockRepeating NotAffectedOrdersGrp List of orders not affected by the Order Mass Action Request. FIX.5.0
1301 MarketID MarketID for which orders are to be affected FIX.5.0
1300 MarketSegmentID MarketSegmentID for which orders are to be affected FIX.5.0
336 TradingSessionID TradingSessionID for which orders are to be affected FIX.5.0
625 TradingSessionSubID TradingSessionSubID for which orders are to be affected FIX.5.0
BlockRepeating Parties FIX.5.0
BlockRepeating TargetParties Should be populated with the values provided on the associated OrderMassActionRequest(MsgType=CA). FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 85)
Block Instrument FIX.5.0
Block UnderlyingInstrument FIX.5.0
54 Side Side of the market specified on the Order Mass Action Request FIX.5.0
60 TransactTime Time this report was initiated/released by the sells-side (broker, exchange, ECN) or sell-side executing system. FIX.5.0
58 Text FIX.5.0
354 EncodedTextLen Must be set if EncodedText (355) field is specified and must immediately precede it. FIX.5.0
355 EncodedText Encoded (non-ASCII characters) representation of the Text (58) field in the encoded format specified via the MessageEncoding (347) field. FIX.5.0
Block StandardTrailer Y FIX.5.0