Type: MultipleStringValue

Codes that apply special information that the Broker / Dealer needs to report, as specified by the customer.
NOTE: This field and its values have no bearing on the ExecInst and TimeInForce (59) fields. These values should not be used instead of ExecInst or TimeInForce. This field and its values are intended for compliance reporting only.
Valid values are grouped by OrderHandlingInstSource (1032).

Added in protocol FIX.4.4 (9)

See in: FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2 EP240.

Valid values

Value Description Added
ADD Add-on Order FIX.4.4
AON All or None FIX.4.4
CNH Cash Not Held FIX.4.4
DIR Directed Order FIX.4.4
E.W Exchange for Physical Transaction FIX.4.4
FOK Fill or Kill FIX.4.4
IO Imbalance Only FIX.4.4
IOC Immediate or Cancel FIX.4.4
LOC Limit on Close FIX.4.4
LOO Limit On Open FIX.4.4
MAC Market at Close FIX.4.4
MAO Market at Open FIX.4.4
MOC Market On Close FIX.4.4
MOO Market on Open FIX.4.4
MQT Minimum Quantity FIX.4.4
NH Not Held FIX.4.4
OVD Over the Day FIX.4.4
PEG Pegged FIX.4.4
RSV Reserve Size Order FIX.4.4
S.W Stop Stock Transaction FIX.4.4
SCL Scale FIX.4.4
TMO Time Order FIX.4.4
TS Trailing Stop FIX.4.4
WRK Work FIX.4.4