StreamCalculationPeriodDates is a subcomponent of the StreamGrp component used to specify the calculation period dates of the stream.

Added in protocol FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)

Field or Component Name Description Is Required Added Is Deprecated
41244 StreamCalculationPeriodDatesXID FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 169)
41245 StreamCalculationPeriodDatesXIDRef FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 169)
40073 StreamCalculationPeriodBusinessDayConvention When specified, this overrides the business day convention defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified value would be specific to this instance of the calculation period dates of the stream. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
BlockRepeating StreamCalculationPeriodBusinessCenterGrp When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified values would be specific to this instance of the calculation period dates of the stream. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
BlockRepeating StreamCalculationPeriodDateGrp FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 169)
40075 StreamFirstPeriodStartDateUnadjusted FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40076 StreamFirstPeriodStartDateBusinessDayConvention When specified, this overrides the business day convention defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified value would be specific to this instance of the calculation period dates of the stream. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
BlockRepeating StreamFirstPeriodStartDateBusinessCenterGrp When specified, this overrides the business centers defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified values would be specific to this instance of the calculation period dates of the stream. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40078 StreamFirstPeriodStartDateAdjusted FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40079 StreamFirstRegularPeriodStartDateUnadjusted FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40080 StreamFirstCompoundingPeriodEndDateUnadjusted FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40081 StreamLastRegularPeriodEndDateUnadjusted FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40082 StreamCalculationFrequencyPeriod Conditionally required when StreamCalculationFrequencyUnit (40083) is specified. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40083 StreamCalculationFrequencyUnit Conditionally required when StreamCalculationFrequencyPeriod (40082) is specified. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
40084 StreamCalculationRollConvention When specified, this overrides the date roll convention defined in the DateAdjustment component in Instrument. The specified values would be specific to this instance of the stream calculation dates. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 161)
41246 StreamCalculationBalanceOfFirstPeriod FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 169)
41247 StreamCalculationCorrectionPeriod Conditionally required when StreamCalculationCorrectionUnit (41248) is specified. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 169)
41248 StreamCalculationCorrectionUnit Conditionally required when StreamCalculationCorrectionPeriod (41247) is specified. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 169)

Used in components