InfoReach TMS Expands Global Trading Connectivity Network; Delivers Real-Time Alerts For Network Counterparts’ Availability Status

Broker-neutral trading platform now routes to 140+ global trading destinations for equities, futures and options as well as to all major FX dealers and ECNs

Chicago, IL, January 11, 2010 — InfoReach (, a global provider of execution management technology, now provides connectivity to foreign exchange liquidity from Thomson Reuters, ICAP’s Electronic Broking Services (EBS) and J.P. Morgan. This brings the total number of FX dealers and ECNs that connect to the InfoReach TMS (Trade Management System) to 15 of the world’s largest financial institutions.

In addition, the InfoReach FIX connectivity network includes access to more than 140 exchanges, ECNs, MTFs, brokers, ATSs, dark pools and other major sources of global liquidity for equities, futures and options trading. Recent integrations with the InfoReach TMS platform include algorithmic strategies from 28 brokers.

InfoReach also has introduced functionality that notifies traders in real-time whenever a trading destination in its FIX connectivity network becomes unavailable – regardless of whether an order or order amend is in play. InfoReach believes this innovative advancement in trading technology will quickly differentiate its network and lead to more widespread adoption of its TMS globally.

“Our real-time alerting feature sets InfoReach apart from all other FIX routing networks, which inform traders of broker unavailability only at the time when an order is actually sent to such broker,” states InfoReach CEO Allen Zaydlin. “So instead of sending a market-on-close basket, for example, just to find out that the broker is unavailable due to some connectivity issues, our alerts allow traders to redirect orders to an available broker well in advance,” he explains.

The InfoReach TMS is a powerful, multi-asset class Execution Management System (EMS) that manages equities, futures, options and foreign exchange. The TMS combines rule-based trading, algorithmic trading, real-time position monitoring, portfolio trading capabilities, order management and FIX connectivity in a single, broker-neutral trading platform. Used by both buy-and sell-side market participants, TMS is available as an ASP-hosted solution or can be installed on-site on the client’s own server.


Anne Aldrich
for InfoReach,
(312) 787-1642