Type: int

Identifies the type of position transaction.

Added in protocol FIX.4.4

See in: FIX.4.4, FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2.

Valid values

Value Description Added
1 Exercise FIX.4.4
10 Transfer of firm FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
11 External transfer FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
12 Corporate action FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
13 Notification FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
14 Position creation FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
15 Close out FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
16 Reopen FIX.5.0SP2 (199)
2 Do not exercise FIX.4.4
3 Position adjustment FIX.4.4
4 Position change submission / margin disposition FIX.4.4
5 Pledge FIX.4.4
6 Large trader submission FIX.4.4 (13)
7 Large positions reporting submission FIX.5.0SP2 (103)
8 Long holdings FIX.5.0SP2 (110)
9 Internal transfer FIX.5.0SP2 (199)