Added in protocol FIX.4.4

See in: FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP2, FIX.5.0SP2 EP240, FIXT.1.1.

Field or Component Name Description Is Required Added Is Deprecated
384 NoMsgTypes Specifies the number of repeating RefMsgTypes specified FIX.4.4
372 RefMsgType Specifies a specific, supported MsgType. Required if NoMsgTypes is > 0. Should be specified from the point of view of the sender of the Logon message FIX.4.4
385 MsgDirection Indicates direction (send vs. receive) of a supported MsgType. Required if NoMsgTypes is > 0. Should be specified from the point of view of the sender of the Logon message FIX.4.4
1130 RefApplVerID Specifies the service pack release being applied to an application message. FIX.4.4
1406 RefApplExtID Specified the extension pack being applied to a message. FIX.5.0
1131 RefCstmApplVerID Specifies a custom extension to a message being applied at the session level. FIX.4.4
1410 DefaultVerIndicator Indicates that this Application Version (RefApplVerID (1130), RefApplExtID (1406),RefCstmApplVerID (1131)) is the default for the RefMsgType (372) field. FIX.5.0

Used in messages