Type: int

Code to identify reason for order rejection.

Added in protocol FIX.2.7

See in: FIX.4.0, FIX.4.1, FIX.4.2, FIX.4.3, FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2, FIX.5.0SP2 EP240.

Valid values

Value Description Added
0 Broker / Exchange option FIX.2.7
1 Unknown symbol FIX.2.7
10 Invalid Investor ID FIX.4.3
11 Unsupported order characteristic12 = Surveillence Option FIX.4.3
13 Incorrect quantity FIX.4.4
14 Incorrect allocated quantity FIX.4.4
15 Unknown account(s) FIX.4.4
2 Exchange closed FIX.2.7
3 Order exceeds limit FIX.2.7
4 Too late to enter FIX.4.0
5 Unknown Order FIX.4.1
6 Duplicate Order (e.g. dupe ClOrdID (11)) FIX.4.1
7 Duplicate of a verbally communicated order FIX.4.2
8 Stale Order FIX.4.2
9 Trade Along required FIX.4.3
99 Other FIX.4.4

Used in messages

Used in components