The order mass status request message requests the status for orders matching criteria specified within the request.

Added in protocol FIX.4.3

See in: FIX.4.3, FIX.4.4, FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2.

Field or Component Name Description Is Required Added Is Deprecated
Block StandardHeader MsgType = AF Y FIX.4.3
584 MassStatusReqID Unique ID of mass status request as assigned by the institution. Y FIX.4.3
585 MassStatusReqType Specifies the scope of the mass status request Y FIX.4.3
BlockRepeating Parties Insert here the set of "Parties" (firm identification) fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages" FIX.4.3
BlockRepeating TargetParties Can be used to specify the parties to whom the Order Mass Status Request should apply. FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 85)
1 Account Account FIX.4.3
660 AcctIDSource FIX.4.4
336 TradingSessionID Trading Session FIX.4.3
625 TradingSessionSubID FIX.4.3
Block Instrument Insert here the set of "Instrument" (symbology) fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages" FIX.4.3
Block UnderlyingInstrument Insert here the set of "UnderlyingInstrument" (underlying symbology) fields defined in "Common Components of Application Messages" FIX.4.3
54 Side Optional qualifier used to indicate the side of the market for which orders will be returned. FIX.4.3
Block StandardTrailer Y FIX.4.3