Type: int

Time unit in which the OrderDelay (1428) is expressed

Added in protocol FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)

See in: FIX.5.0SP2.

Valid values

Value Description Added
0 Seconds (default if not specified) FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
1 Tenths of a second FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
10 minutes FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
11 hours FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
12 days FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
13 weeks FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
14 months FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
15 years FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
2 Hundredths of a second FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
3 milliseconds FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
4 microseconds FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)
5 nanoseconds FIX.5.0SP1 (EP 77)