Added in protocol FIX.5.0

See in: FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2.

Field or Component Name Description Is Required Added Is Deprecated
1165 NoSettlOblig Number of Settlement Obligations FIX.5.0
430 NetGrossInd FIX.5.0
1161 SettlObligID Unique ID for this settlement instruction FIX.5.0
1162 SettlObligTransType New, Replace, Cancel, or Restate FIX.5.0
1163 SettlObligRefID Required where SettlObligTransType (1162) is Cancel or Replace. The SettlObligID (1161) of the settlement obligation being canceled or replaced. FIX.5.0
1157 CcyAmt Net flow of currency 1 FIX.5.0
119 SettlCurrAmt Net flow of currency 2 FIX.5.0
15 Currency Currency 1 in the stated currency pair, the dealt currency FIX.5.0
120 SettlCurrency Currency 2 in the stated currency pair, the contra currency FIX.5.0
155 SettlCurrFxRate Derived rate of Ccy2 per Ccy1 based on netting FIX.5.0
64 SettlDate Value Date FIX.5.0
Block Instrument Used to express the instrument in which settlement is taking place FIX.5.0
BlockRepeating Parties FIX.5.0
168 EffectiveTime Effective (start) date/time for this settlement instruction FIX.5.0
126 ExpireTime Termination date/time for this settlement instruction. FIX.5.0
779 LastUpdateTime Date/time this settlement instruction was last updated (or created if not updated since creation). FIX.5.0
ImplicitBlockRepeating SettlDetails Conveys settlement account details reported as part of obligation FIX.5.0