Added in protocol FIX.4.4

See in: FIX.4.4, FIX.5.0, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2.

Field or Component Name Description Is Required Added Is Deprecated
670 NoLegAllocs FIX.4.4
671 LegAllocAccount FIX.4.4
672 LegIndividualAllocID FIX.4.4
BlockRepeating NestedParties2 FIX.4.4
673 LegAllocQty FIX.4.4
674 LegAllocAcctIDSource FIX.4.4
1367 LegAllocSettlCurrency FIX.5.0
1756 LegCustodialLotID Only used for specific lot trades. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 127)
1757 LegVersusPurchaseDate Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, either LegVersusPurchasePrice (1758) or LegCurrentCostBasis (1759) should be specified. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 127)
1758 LegVersusPurchasePrice Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, LegVersusPurchaseDate (1757) should be specified. FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 127)
1759 LegCurrentCostBasis Only used for specific lot trades. If this field is used, LegVersusPurchaseDate (1757) should be specified FIX.5.0SP2 (EP 127)