Type: int

Type of Trade:

Added in protocol FIX.4.4

See in: FIX.4.4, FIX.5.0SP1, FIX.5.0SP2, FIX.5.0SP2 EP240.

Valid values

Value Description Added
0 Regular Trade FIX.4.4
1 Block Trade FIX.4.4
10 After Hours Trade FIX.4.4
11 Exchange for Risk (EFR) FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
12 Exchange for Swap (EFS ) FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
13 Exchange of Futures for (in Market) Futures (EFM ) (e,g, full sized for mini) FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
14 Exchange of Options for Options (EOO) FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
15 Trading at Settlement FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
16 All or None FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
17 Futures Large Order Execution FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
18 Exchange of Futures for Futures (external market) (EFF) FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
19 Option Interim Trade FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
2 EFP (Exchange for physical) FIX.4.4
20 Option Cabinet Trade FIX.4.4 (EP 5)
22 Privately Negotiated Trades FIX.4.4 (EP 19)
23 Substitution of Futures for Forwards FIX.4.4 (EP 19)
24 Error trade FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
25 Special cum dividend (CD) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
26 Special ex dividend (XD) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
27 Special cum coupon (CC) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
28 Special ex coupon (XC) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
29 Cash settlement (CS) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
3 Transfer FIX.4.4
30 Special price (usually net- or all-in price) (SP) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
31 Guaranteed delivery (GD) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
32 Special cum rights (CR) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
33 Special ex rights (XR) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
34 Special cum capital repayments (CP) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
35 Special ex capital repayments (XP) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
36 Special cum bonus (CB) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
37 Special ex bonus (XB) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
38 Block trade (same as large trade) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
39 Worked principal trade (UK-specific) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
4 Late Trade FIX.4.4
40 Block Trades – after market FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
41 Name change FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
42 Portfolio transfer FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
43 Prorogation buy – Euronext Paris only. Is used to defer settlement under French SRD (deferred settlement system) . Trades must be reported as crosses at zero price FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
44 Prorogation sell – see prorogation buy FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
45 Option exercise FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
46 Delta neutral transaction FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
47 Financing transaction (includes repo and stock lending) FIX.4.4 (EP 26)
5 T Trade FIX.4.4
6 Weighted Average Price Trade FIX.4.4
7 Bunched Trade FIX.4.4
8 Late Bunched Trade FIX.4.4
9 Prior Reference Price Trade FIX.4.4